Board of Directors
Swadicq Nuthay
Swadicq holds an MSc in International Business & Finance from the University of Reading, UK, with specialisation in international financial markets and risk management. He is also holder of a BSc (Hons) in Economics and is a member of the CFA Institute. He joined ACM (formerly Axys Capital Mgt) in 1998 and has gathered more than 22 years’ experience in the fund management industry and corporate finance field. He has also worked as a consultant for a risk management consultancy firm in Mauritius. Swadicq was Chief Executive of AfrAsia Capital Management prior to joining ABC Capital Ltd in August 2016 as the Chief Executive. He is a Co-Founder and Director of Legacy Capital Co. Ltd.
Vimal Deepchand
Managing Director
Vimal holds a Bcom (Economics and Finance) from the University of Cape Town and has 15 years’ of experience in the financial services sector, out which 14 years in asset management and 10 years at senior management level. He was the Head of Investments at AfrAsia Capital Management Ltd where he successfully managed several pension funds, collective investment schemes and other discretionary investment mandates. More recently, he was the Head of Asset Management at SBM Group where he successfully uplifted the ailing asset management business of the group and set up an integrated capital market. He also co-founded a financial services consultancy company with the aim to widen service offerings which commensurate better with the set of skills he acquired over the years.
Aqilah Carrim
Executive Director
Aqilah is a BSc SCORE (Statistics, Computing, Operational Research & Economics) first class honours graduate of UCL, UK. Aqilah has over 9 years of experience in the asset management & corporate finance industry. She was formerly Fund Manager at AfrAsia Capital Management Ltd & ABC Capital Ltd, where she successfully managed pension funds, collective investment schemes and portfolios of high net worth individuals. More recently she was appointed General Manager and Principal Officer at ABC Capital Ltd. During the span of her career, she was actively involved in the engineering of structured products and capital raising mandates.
Our Experience
The investment & corporate advisory team of Maxima Capital has acquired extensive experience over the last 30 years in the industry, which includes the management of some of the largest pension funds/general and life funds in Mauritius and multiple corporate restructuring assignments of international listed companies and large private companies.

Engineered many innovative Structured Notes

Launched 8 Collective Investment Schemes

Wide network of HNWI and Investment Funds

Appointed Fund Manager of Mauritius Africa Fund

Capital raising for 3rd largest domestic bank (Tier 1, Tier 2 and additional Tier 1)